Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy
Are you struggling with many problems and feel like you are alone in the universe? Do you feel like you don't fit in or that this life is boring? It's a feeling that describes all the beings of light who have come to earth to help humanity rebuild itself. Unfortunately, after birth, people always lose all knowledge and are left with only an inexplicable feeling of longing and loss. This hypnosis will help you remember who you REALLY are and will show you the way again by answering all your questions. After this session, you will regain your self-confidence, physical, mental and spiritual health. This is your new beginning.
Past Life Regression
This session is perfect for people who would like to see what their previous incarnations looked like. Who they were, what they did in life, what they achieved or what they fell through. There is no better learning than learning from mistakes and successes. And who is a better example for you than yourself? I will take you on a journey through three incarnations so that you can remember their most important moments.
Guided Meditation
Do you want to start meditating but you don't know exactly how to do it? Or maybe you have trouble concentrating? Looking for some breakthrough? Let me guide you in a live session or online! Meditation is an ideal practice for calming down, but also for getting to know yourself. It is when we look inside that creative ideas, joy and satisfaction are born. Listen to what your mind has to tell you, thank it and take control...
*Remember that over 80% of the success of the session depends entirely on you and your subconscious. The universe will not give you more information than what you can handle.